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Advent Devotional 2019 | Luke Ten

Day 10 | Luke 10

The Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be taken away from her. (Luke 10:41-42)

This is my favorite season, there is a little extra love, joy, and cheer in the air. It can also be a very busy time, when the important things can sometimes be moved off the priority list in the midst of everything that is going on. When we hear the story of Mary and Martha, Martha is often painted as doing the ‘wrong thing’, but that isn’t true. Martha was doing nothing wrong, she was doing good things; her mistake was in letting the good things overshadow the important things. Her priorities were out of balance. Working hard and being prepared are wonderful attributes. It is good to want a clean home and good food prepared when company comes over for the holidays. And it is thoughtful and kind that you want to send cards, buy and wrap presents for your loved ones. Yet in the midst of the preparations don’t forget what are the more important things: it is not about how prepared your home is, but that you share it with those you love. It’s not about the presents you give but the presence of those you are surrounded with.

Don’t allow the business of the season to make your heart weary. The best medicine for a weary or busy heart is to pause and take a moment to sit at the feet of Jesus. Mary chose the most important thing, to be in the presence of Jesus. During this season (and all year long) start your day with the one thing that is necessary, sitting in the presence of Jesus. Seeking first the Kingdom so that “these things” of Matthew 6 will be added to you.

Read the day’s Luke passage and spend some time in prayer, having a conversation with Jesus.

Once we have finished reading through Luke if you don’t know what to read next, turn to Acts to be encouraged by the story of the early Church.

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